Andrew Davis

Andrew Barnett Davis is an award-winning sculptor and painter. Apprentice to mastercraftsperson Giovanni Bedini in Carrara, Italy (1995-1997) Apprentice to renowned sculptor Michael Skop (1985-1992)

Artisit-in-residence at the William H. Martin Northern Kentucky Community Center, Covington, Kentucky (1992-1995)

Instructor for the Kentucky Artist Council, Carnegie Art Center, and The Brookfield Craft Center

The Artist has received numerous commissions for his work incuding those from Sarah Lawrence College and The National Fish & Wildlife Foundation. His work is in a collection of the Hillel Jewish Student Center at the University of Cincinnati

Drawings by the artist have been displayed in galleries in the United States and abroad, including solo exhibitions and shows in Kentucky, Ohio, Connecticut and Italy. The Artists sculpture, (Mountain, River, Sea) is on permanent display in the Museo dei Bozzetti in Pietrasanta, Italy.

Mr. Davis presently teaches at the Silvermine School of Art. He makes his home in New England.